Monday, May 2, 2016

8 Weeks DONE

I missed updating last week, and since then, I've lost 4.8 pounds for a total of 22 pounds!  I'm only ONE POUND from losing 10% of my starting weight!  We leave for Florida in 6 weeks so to attain my "mini goal" of being under 200 pounds, I need to lose 9.4 pounds by June 11. I've been averaging 2.6 pounds/week so I do think it's doable.

This week is supposed to be nice so I want to get back to walking in the evenings. Last week and the weekend was cloudy, cool, and rainy so I didn't get much non-work activity in.

Here is an updated progress chart. Look at that line go down!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Happy Doctor!

I had my annual exam this morning with my OB-GYN doctor and at the end of the exam she commented that I weigh 9 pounds less than I did at my appointment last year! I told her I joined WW again last month and that I've lost almost 19 pounds and she gave me a high-5! She commented how WW was a good program and told me I should be super proud of myself because losing weight isn't easy. She also commented that it's great that I'm not on any medications. Honestly, I haven't had bloodwork done for a couple of years, but at that time, everything was okay. But I'm pretty sure if I had it done today, that I wouldn't need any medication.

Anyway, when she was leaving she said she'd see me next year and I told her hopefully there will be a lot less of me next year. =)

6 weeks in

Drumroll, please!  After 6 weeks, I've lost 17.2 pounds!  Woohoo! On Saturday, I weighed 213.2 in the morning (naked) before my meeting.  I got in almost 13,000 steps, surpassed the 5 mile mark on my Fit Bit, and was just a few calories below my goal in that category. When I got on the scale yesterday morning (I'm a daily weigher), I was down to 211.4!  I was super excited but then between the weather, no exercise, limited water, and eating out...I had the blahs. I ate lunch in the car -- 3-piece chicken fingers from Sonic (8 pts) and then we went and Mexican at Las Margaritas where I had a chicken tostada.  I tracked it as a tostada from Chili's for 10 pts. I ended the day at 0 so while I didn't go over my points, I didn't eat very healthy. This morning the scale showed it, too. I was up to 212.8! Granted that's still below my weigh-in weight on Saturday, but I was up more a pound from yesterday. I know I didn't eat enough to calories yesterday for that to be an actual 1.4 pound gain, so I'm hoping that after a couple of good bowel movements (haha) and lots of water today, that it will head back down tomorrow.

BUT, I will likely be eating pizza for dinner, which won't be exactly helpful. Our Sojourners group is having Family Night and bringing pizza for all of us and kids are invited. We'll get there about 45 minutes late since my daughter has swimming lessons, so if it's already cold and gross, I'll skip it. But I did plan ahead and have only eaten 12 of my 18 points. So, if I have a couple of pieces of pizza, it will be okay.

Here's an updated progress chart.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Week 5 done

Well, my week 5 weigh-in was a bust.  I only lost .8 pounds (((sad face))) making my total loss 14.4 pounds.  I had a great week though so I shouldn't be bummed about losing a bit less than a pound. A LITTLE LOSS IS BETTER THAN A GAIN. I walked every day and had some big step days, too.

So that was Saturday morning.  Yesterday morning, I got on the scale and was down 2 pounds from the day before and that's still where I'm at today. Hopefully it doesn't go back up because right now I've lost 16.4 pounds!  I soooo want to get recognized for 15 pounds lost this coming weekend.  OR, maybe I'll lose 3.8 more and get 20 pounds!  lol...  While that would be nice, I'm not going to get my hopes up since that would be quite a loss in one week.

Here's my chart for the week. As you can see, not much movement. NEXT week will go down!

By the way, we leave for Florida TWO MONTHS from today. So, 2 months to lose 14 pounds.  I got this. =)

Monday, April 4, 2016

One month down...

After being on WW for one month (4 weeks), I've lost 13.6 pounds!  I'm pretty proud of how the first month went. I started at 230.4 and I'm at 216.8 now.  I'm wanting to be 199 by the time I step onto the plane on June 11, so I need to lose 17.8 pounds over the next 10 weeks, which is an average of about 1.8 pounds per week. I really think it's doable as long as I keep on walking and staying on plan.

I took Milo (my adorable Shih Tzu/Coton de Tulear dog) for a 50 minute walk on Saturday morning. It was a pretty chilly morning and my ears were quite cold by the time we got home, but it was a great walk. Our neighborhood is quite hilly so my Fitbit counted it as though I'd walked up 16 flights of stairs!

Yesterday I went on two separate walks for a total of 60 minutes. Both of those walks were at Holmes Park on the trail that goes around the lake. It was a nice change of scenery for sure!

Here's an updated chart of my weight loss:

Thursday, March 31, 2016

I've got the blahs

I'm not sure what's going on today, but I am soooo sluggish and tired. I went to bed later than I have been lately and was awake for about 45 minutes in the middle of the night, but it's not that unusual! I guess my body has gotten used to going to be around 9:30! It's "that" time of the month, too, so that could play into it as well. The sun hasn't been out much today so it's darkish and gloomy...much like my mood!

I gave in and went to the vending room in hopes that some caffeine from a Diet Coke would lift me up a bit. I haven't had a drop of caffeine since March 3, which is exactly 4 weeks ago! That was the last day I had coffee in the morning.

I went for a morning walk but didn't go at all at lunch. I only take 30 minutes, and by the time I got done eating I was out of time. I had fish, a hard-boiled egg, and yogurt with granola (which takes me forever to eat).

I plan on taking a walk this afternoon but there's no way I'll get even close to 10,000 steps today! Yesterday was a great Fitbit day though....I met every single goal!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Weight Loss Chart

When I was on my original weight loss journey, I had chart on the side of my blog that showed my progress and I updated it after each weigh-in. I loved seeing the line go down and down. I created one for my latest (and LAST) journey. I will plot each week's weight through the end of 2016. I realize I likely won't be at goal by then, but it's all I could fit on the chart!

I go back and forth on my goal; last time it was 145, which is at the top of my "recommended" weight for my height. In 2008 when I quit WW because of my pregnancy, I was at 150 and I was pretty happy with that. Once I get back to that, I'll decide on what my "ultimate goal" will be. My weight should be 120-145, so I'm thinking it will be 135, which will be a total loss of 95 pounds. Oy vey.  lol...

For now, I'm just focused on getting to 199 by June 11!